Now what? I don’t have a truck or someone to help me
When buying a bulkier item off a pier to peer website such as Facebook marketplace, offer up Craigslist etc, your are left with a problem of how to get it home or office

Not only do most people not have a pick up truck they do not want to bother a friend to help them load, unload and assemble.
When I used to sell mattresses the first question was always the same, Do you deliver? or do you know someone who does? for me it was not a big deal to hop in my van and deliver the mattress it was the time consumption it took up out of my day to get the truck, put fuel in it, find a employee or pay a friend to come and help me id consume hours that I could have spent selling which was what I enjoyed more and was more fruitful financially
there are a few on demand companies out there that can deliver bulky items but we found most of the time they are extremely over priced and more over they are only a one pony show. What i meant by that is that they will only deliver the mattress to the front door, or they wont take out the old one , or they wont help set it up on the frame. Try leaving a 350lb adjustable bed at the front step of a sweet old lady’s home. Not only is it cruel its unsafe and frustrating for the end recipient was born to do just that and do it nationwide make the last mile white glove service delivery junk haul and moving a quick streamline process
In conclusion asap elite will do it due to there 1500 plus nationwide drivers reach, same day service and custom, customer requirements.
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